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From the time we begin our journey until the day we breathe our last breath the word of God says, “. . . there is a season and a time of purpose for every thing”. I’ll be a thing if it has to do with the will of God concerning me. How about you? Whether it’s 120 years (Gen 6:3), 70-80 years (Ps 90:10), or just a few moments of life (II Sam 12:14-23), there’s a reason why we were born; and a purpose to be fulfilled.
In the Book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon assessed life from a natural point of view, it was human wisdom apart from God. Here’s what the Amplified Bible notes writes:
“Ecclesiastes is the book of the natural man whose interests are confined to the unstable, vanishing pleasures and empty satisfactions of those who live merely “under the sun.” The natural man is not aware that all the affirmative answers to life are to be found in Him - Who is above, not “under,” the sun. The natural man grovels in the dust and finds only earthworms, while the spiritual man may soar on wings like eagles (Isa 40:31) above all that is futile and disappointing, and may live in consciousness of God’s companionship, favor, and incomparable, everlasting rewards.”
Solomon was saying to live life apart from God and His purposes are futile and useless. What matters most and has everlasting significance is what we do for Jesus. It is there that we shine like stars, triumph over the Goliaths in life, find fulfillment as well as security, and run our race to win. Winning has to do with being in the race you are called to and competing according to the true riches and grace God gives us to run. Our opponents are the devil (of course), death, hell and a fallen world and they are all defeated in Jesus. Whatever we achieve without God will perish in His Judgment. Whatever we achieve with God will accompany us in the Day of Judgment.
We can live apart from Him and perish or we can reign with Him and conquer. The choice is ours: a) enter our season and purpose apart from God or; b) enter our season and purpose with Him. Our season and purpose is about life and how we live it. One leads to life – eternal; the other leads to death/destruction – eternal.
Food for thought: Read Eccl 2:26; Pro 13:22; Dt 8:18
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