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He first loved us. One of the attributes of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love (Gal 5:22). It’s the same love that is poured out or shed abroad in our hearts according to Romans 5:5. The love of God transcends our human ability to love and elevates us to the place of God’s Agape love – this is included with the new man/new creation. It’s defined as a love-feast or feast (banquet, spread, buffet) of charity (aid, help, assistance, gifts, donations, contributions, offerings, handouts). It is a commodity or resource that you will never want to run out of but always have an abundant supply.
In John 2:3 Mary said to Jesus, “They have no more wine.” Wine for the most part in the Word was used to make the heart merry – to have “Joy”. It was an insult to the bride and groom especially, to run out of anything at such an occasion. We ourselves know how embarrassing it can be to have a big celebration and run out of something important before the event ends. It can also be an insult to the guests. But Jesus was there. And after He performed His first miracle He said, “…bear unto the governor of the feast.”
The word governor comes from the greek word “ar-khee-tree’-klee-nos” which means “director of the entertainment.” Jesus had them first take some to the person that was responsible for the feast – he probably was in the hot-seat. Jesus supplied what they had run out of and it was better than what they had before.
That’s what the new man/new creation is all about. God, our Father, demonstrates (pours out) His love for us in the person of Jesus. We are washed; we are cleansed; we are sanctified; we are justified; we are glorified; we are new. We are better than what we were before. The best comes out last but certainly not least. As long as we abide in Him we abide in His love. God’s love for us floods and pervades our hearts producing a love-feast fit to serve and love Him and others without ever running out. His love never fails.
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