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Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name that is ABOVE every name, Your Son, my Lord, Jesus Christ. Today I petition you on behalf of my Church family, Threshing Floor Tabernacle. I thank you for the leadership of Apostle Henry and Pastor Lusia Killings. I thank you for their unwavering stance in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and their heartfelt desire to see every one of us reach and attain the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. As I submit myself to Your authority I submit myself to their leadership and I pray the following:
That as Pastors of this great congregation, You will continue to guide them in the direction you would have them to go; providing them with wisdom, vision, revelation, strength, divine health, and prosperity as they continue to lead with all diligence. That their family would be blessed and fulfill the hope of Your calling, even as they have given of themselves to do the same. That You will shield, protect, and defend them from all the attacks of the enemy, and that nothing by any means shall hurt them. Surround them as a wall of fire and a hedge of protection and be the glory in their midst.
I pray for open doors of opportunity for them to preach the Gospel throughout our cities, nation, and around the world. I pray that they will raise up other leaders from our midst and beyond, who will carry out great exploits in Your name, even as they themselves do for Your glory.
I pray that love will be the bond of perfectness in their marriage and that they will always lead by example, revealing what a true Kingdom marriage/couple is all about. Continue to bless the works of their hands and cause them to experience Your goodness on a daily basis.
I pray for the Congregation of Threshing Floor Tabernacle. That we will always be of one heart, one mind, and one Spirit. That we will all speak the same thing and will continue to grow with the increase that comes from You. That Christ will always be the Head of this Great Work, and we will honor the Pastors He has placed over us with double honor. I pray that we will strive to keep the unity of the faith in our midst, and will give no place to the devil by allowing envy, strife, hatred, and all manner of evil to exist in our fellowship.
I pray that we commit ourselves to the spirit of Excellence and will serve one another through love which builds and only seeks out the best for each other. I pray that this assembly will thrive in our uniqueness as well as what we share in common with the Body of Christ. I pray that we will always be vigilant in prayers and intercessions. That we are not only a House of Prayer, but a house that prays. I pray that none of us will do anything through strife or vainglory but that we will esteem one another higher/better than ourselves.
I pray that in 2016, You will send us 500+ new guests and that our heart, mind, and soul are prepared to receive them, love them, serve them, pray for them, and nurture them in the faith that they may grow unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ – unto a perfect man/woman of God in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.
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