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“And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph 5:20 NLT
This week begins the most festive times of the calendar year; Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, on into the New Year. The lead off is Thanksgiving Day. It’s a time where many families come together and give thanks for all the wonderful things they are grateful for. It’s a time to Reflect, a time to Rejoice, and a time to Assess.
It’s a time to Reflect on the things that have occurred this year. To learn from mistakes, find/reaffirm our footings, reignite passion to pursue God’s will, and mount up to soar again. Reflect on the victories and the things that were done well, looking to perfect things even more. There’s always room for improvement or perfection. Celebrate victories, learn from failures. There are no plans for defeat for you in the Kingdom! Asserting the Word of God with greater confidence and assurance that “What God has said, He will do. What He has spoken, He will bring it to pass.” It is His honor and His reputation that we lean on.
It’s a time to Rejoice in all the wonderful things God has done; realizing the year is not over and He is able to do even more. “And thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, and the stranger that is among you (Dt 26:11).” If you’ve lost your joy, take it back! The joy of the Lord belongs in your heart – not in the hands of men! No one or nothing should be able to rip it from your heart. Jesus gave you His Joy – it’s Joy unspeakable and full of glory (I Pet 1:8). It’s too precious to allow the world, the flesh or the devil to trample upon or take it away!
It’s a time to Assess failures (failure is like an enemy that haunts and taunts you to depress, oppress, demoralize and keep you in a statehood of defeat – you are an overcomer and more than a conqueror through Jesus). Refocus on priorities – things that are most important in life; strategically plan for the bright future the Lord has in store for us. It’s a time of repositioning ourselves, realignment if you will (to stay in line with God’s will), that puts us in place to achieve God’s purposes in life. Paul said it like this, “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God (Acts 20:24 NLT).”
Have a Happy Thanksgiving this week!
Grace to you!
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