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“…The prophecy that his mother taught him.” Pro 31:1
One year as I was reading Proverbs 31 these words stood out, “his mother taught him.” The emphasis being not on the fact that his mother could teach, but the content of which she taught. The revelation that the content of this chapter was taught by a woman to her son gave a completely different perspective altogether – “Who knows a woman better than another woman?”
So the advice given was either from a hypocrite, or a woman who understood what a woman is capable of doing and who led by example. This chapter is a “tribute” to his mother. It’s not from a man telling a woman what she ought to do; it’s from a woman revealing what a virtuous woman will do. The word virtuous comes from the Hebrew word “Chayil” and means force and strength. The strength and force of a woman is not in having an established celebrated career, but in her ability of being the glory in her home. The entire family is impacted and blessed by her actions within the home.
There’s nothing wrong or evil with a woman working outside of the home, however her greatest contribution and highest achievement is seen in the effect she has on her family. Again, Proverbs 31 is the teaching of a mother to her son. A virtuous woman is capable of working inside and outside of the home. What’s her secret? Her secret is that she is a woman who fears and reverences the Lord. She is truly a woman of God; a woman empowered by the Spirit of the Lord.
She understands who she is and is very confident and comfortable in her role. She does not eat the bread of idleness and is a compliment to her husband. Her children are blessed and well taken care of. Her husband is well respected. It’s not impossible, it’s womanhood. Happy Mother’s Day to all the precious moms – your contribution is priceless and worthy of praise.
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