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Today, Sunday, October 12, we are dedicating this day to honor the shepherd of this House, Pastor Henry Killings. If we were to survey everyone what they viewed as a “great Pastor” we would receive numerous responses, therefore, we believe that it is noteworthy to share just a few things that we’ve observed about our Pastor whom we feel is a “Great Pastor”:
- He’s God’s chosen man who operates in integrity – a man of character, a man of valor.
- He loves the Lord with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength.
- He loves God’s people.
- He strives to operate in excellence.
- Operates in faith that moves mountains: “Faith is the currency of The Kingdom, without Faith--you’re broke! When you believe, you receive!”
- He’s patient, he’s longsuffering.
- He’s a visionary: “Preach the uncompromised Gospel, Build up the body of Christ, Work the works of God, Prepare for the Rapture”
- He teaches and preaches the uncompromised Word of God
- He leads by example - A true general in the faith!
- He hates what God hates: “Sin unchecked is destructive!”
- He’s laid down his life for the call and the cause!
As a Pastor, he desires to see the people of God receive and walk in the manifold blessing of God! God is glorified when the people of God are blessed and walk in righteousness and holiness. A great Pastor always challenges the people to run the race, to win the prize, and walk-the-walk worthy of the Lord: “God is not a temporary fix, NO, He is an eternal refuge!” When we need wisdom, guidance, or encouragement Pastor is always there: “Receive the victory and walk away from defeat!” He teaches us the importance of obedience and that obedience is better than sacrifice: “On the night Jesus was betrayed, He still obeyed!” He allows himself to be a vessel used of the Lord: “Deliverance is here! Chains hold you BUT Jesus is here to break the chains. As He’s breaking the chains – DON’T HOLD ONTO THE CHAINS!”
Pastor has never wavered in times of opposition, persecution, or difficulty he continued to reveal his faith through his walk and leadership. He firmly believes that the Word -- works, if you work the Word: “All things are possible to the one who believes!”
The Word of God states in First Timothy 5:17-18 [Amp], “Let the elders who perform the duties of their office well, be considered doubly worthy of honor [and of adequate financial support], especially those who labor faithfully in preaching and teaching. For the scripture says, you shall not muzzle an ox when it is
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