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“For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood…” Eph. 6:12
If we only wrestled or battled against flesh and blood, physical opponents that we could see with the naked eye, the fight might be easier. At least we would see and know our opponent and either be better prepared for the fight or avoid them altogether. The Word of God says we fight against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places. Heavenly places are the unseen realm. This is a living reality. We fight/wrestle against foes that we cannot see, will strike at any time, and have more power than human beings. When we see darkness/wickedness on the horizon or increasingly manifesting itself, we know it’s time to fight – it’s time for spiritual warfare.
Some in the Body don’t believe in it or ignore it, but that doesn’t make it go away. The Word of God reveals it and the Church of God confronts it. Paul says we wrestle against it/them. In other words, we don’t retreat from it or ignore it, like David, we run towards it. Instead of guns, bombs, warplanes, etc., we use truth, righteous standing in Christ, the good news of the Gospel, faith, salvation, the Word, and prayer to advance God’s Kingdom against the powers of darkness in the evil day and everyday. We can only overcome these powers through the Power of God in Jesus. There is NO other way.
Let God be true and every man a liar when it comes to the mission and responsibility of the Church. God is not raising up cowards who are intimidated by demons or man. Whatever state we come to Him in, He transforms and conforms us into the image and likeness of Jesus — the Seed of David (Jn. 7:42; Rom. 1:3; II Tim. 2:8). Let God arise (in you) and let His enemies be scattered (Ps. 68:1). Through our God we shall do valiantly (Ps. 60:12; 108:13). Our help comes from the Lord — Maker of Heaven and Earth (Ps. 121:2; 124:8).
Step Into It!
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