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“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
When we received Jesus Christ, we died and now He’s alive in us – we have reckoned ourselves dead and alive unto Christ: our desires, our passions, our will to be conformed to the will of the Father. We find His will in the Word of God. For many in the Body of Christ, we have crucified some areas but kept some areas alive, we have opened up some doors to our soul but kept some doors closed due to the pain we’ve experienced. For some we don’t know how to allow the Lord Jesus to heal and bring wholeness to those areas, we haven’t learned how to trust Him with our life, we are still IN CONTROL.
In Galatians chapter 2 verse 20, the passage clearly states that “I AM CRUCIFIED . . . . “, this means you have to put to death/kill – YOU! You have to allow the Holy Ghost to give you the strength to change the way you use to do things, the way you think, the way you conduct yourself, the way you believe, IF it’s not in accordance with the instructional manual of His Word. This comes with trust and surrendering ALL of you and not compartmentalize areas of your life to appease or ease the process. It’s IN this process where the molding and shaping becomes challenging if we’re still alive to ourselves and desire to hold onto areas that the Lord is trying to crucify/kill, the word trying here is key because it’s only what you allow for the Lord Jesus to change that will transform/change a person. When a person is dead in Christ, it’s very evident, you don’t see nor hear the person NOW you see and hear Christ in their speech, in their walk, in their conduct, in their attire. There’s a sweet smelling aroma that protrudes from the life of that person and it’s the essence of Jesus Christ, however, when a person in Christ is still alive, you can see and hear the person and not Christ and it gives off a stench and not the sweet aroma of Christ. Jesus is alive in the earth because He lives in your body/flesh to display His glory for all to see – “When people see you, who do they see? You or Christ Jesus?”
In an hour where chaos and confusion runs rampant in society, the moral climate has been shredded, where politicians holds no bar to truth and integrity, where crime continues to escalate in the cities, our children’s future are threatened due to the educational system, TRULY there’s a cry in the land for the Church of the Living God to respond and cry out against the devastation that’s coming upon the land. We, as the Church HAVE POWER, we POSSESS HIS AUTHORITY to avert and abort the plan of the enemy when we come together as ONE IN UNITY and intercede over the land. We can influence society by allowing the power of the Holy Ghost to reveal Jesus IN US and release His power to heal and set the people free. We are in the Year of Jubilee as we embark on the highway towards Easter/Resurrection Sunday, “What areas of your life are you willing to crucify so you can be made whole and used for the Lord’s glory?”
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