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Jesus! — “X marks the Spot”
"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Phi. 3:14)
The world is a wilderness that seems to be spiraling out of control more and more each day. The Prophet Isaiah prophesied that the man who made the world a wilderness, the king of Babylon (a type of satan, i.e., Lucifer) would be utterly cast down and destroyed (Isa. 14:12, 17). If you don’t know the truth you could get caught up into the madness and allow it to control your own life. However, if you rise above the madness and see the perfect plan of God as revealed in His Word, you will be at rest in the counsel of the Lord. The term, “X marks the spot” means something very important is at the location marked by the “X”.
God’s ways are higher than ours as well as His thoughts (Isa. 55). The only stability and peace to be experienced while in this world is in Jesus. The madness points us to Jesus: He is the hidden treasure, He is the sacrificial Lamb, He is the Way of escape, He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. When we come to Him we find love, joy, peace, safety, refuge, healing, salvation, eternal life. He is the way out of the madness, chaos, confusion, and disorder of the world. The Word of God says, “He is our Peace” (Eph. 2:14).
To be in Christ and be confused does not gel. We can be in Him but not have Him in us. Paul had to labor in birth pains AGAIN for the Church at Galatia until Christ was fully formed in them (see Gal. 4:19). As I’ve previously said, you can be in Christ and still be lost if you don’t pursue Him and the life He has called you to. How many more (casualties) have to fall by the wayside before we Wake Up to see the need to follow hard after God. Whether we call it love and passion, purpose driven life, religion or being religious, going to Church, personal relationship, etc., Jesus has to be our focus, our mark, our “spot”. Some of us have a “To Do List” or a “Schedule of Things To Do”, many times we have place Jesus at the bottom of our list of things to do, we aim to get to Him but days, weeks, months, (etc) go by and we never get to Him—HE’S MORE THAN AN ITEM ON OUR LIST OF THINGS TO CHECK OFF!
What He came to do for us, no other could do—HE DID IT! He is the ultimate gift, the full expression of God in bodily form, the epitome of love, our Amazing Grace, the “X” marks/is the spot of our Redemption. Anything contrary to Jesus that dwells in you was dealt with at the Cross of Jesus. Press towards the Mark for the Prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. Keep your eyes on HIM! If you do you will reach your Destiny/Destination Victoriously. People need to realize what’s of God, what’s of them, and what’s of the devil and Go after what’s of God! Period!
Step Into It!
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