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Each New Year we start off by making resolutions of what we are determined to accomplish. For some it’s exercise, others may change jobs or occupations, and still for some it may be quitting a bad habit or turning over a new leaf. Hear the Word of the Lord and be inspired to believe God for TFT resolutions.
“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.” Isa 43:18-19 MSG
This is the second Sunday of the year with fifty more to go. New things shall happen in our midst. New people are coming. A new Anointing has been imparted. Each Sunday will manifest more and more of the goodness and glory of God to every soul that the Father sends our way. Every person who desires will experience the power of Jesus and live victorious every day. Lives will be transformed, we will grow exponentially, and we will need a larger facility. Our city and the surrounding cities will be recognized as a modern day Zion – The City of our God.
The Church shall emerge. Out of the darkness and shadows of death dry bones shall live again. The love of God will be so strong in our midst that every outsider will recognize that we belong to Jesus. People will be healed instantly and demonic powers will be driven out with one word – GO! Hell will tremble every time we assemble. People will make excuses to be here rather than not to be here. Crowds will gather, the place is filled to capacity, the overflow is overflowed, and every eye will look to Jesus. The praise will permeate the atmosphere and airwaves and the angels will stand at attention as we bring glory, honor, and praise to the King.
The only ones who are outside are those who are trying to get in. Everyone has been apprehended by the presence and power of our God and our Christ. Blessed be His name, forever and ever. “All things are possible to the one who believes.” God wants to do it – Let’s make it happen.
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