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“What we read in Scripture is, “Abraham entered into what God was doing for him, and that was the turning point. He trusted God to set him right instead of trying to be right on his own.” Rom 4:3 TMSG
Being set right with God is something we should always consider on a daily basis. All we have to do is BELIEVE GOD and what He said and we’re right there. Belief then becomes the motivator for action.
That’s how it was for Abraham and that’s how it is intended to be for us. Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. What Abraham could not do, he trusted God to do on his behalf. Isaac is the perfect picture of a promise made by God to give Abraham something he desired, which was an heir – a son; but he could not produce because Sarah was barren. We know Abraham was fruitful because when he went into Hagar, she conceived. BUT GOD waited still until Abraham was as good as dead before He fulfilled the promise. Lifeless situations can and will turn around if we will believe God.
Things might look dead or lifeless around you but that is where you must put your trust and faith in the Living God – which puts you in position to receive your healing, miracle, breakthrough, or promise. You may be pouring your life into something that doesn’t seem to be productive but if God has you there, then you need to HAVE FAITH!
God’s method of dealing with us as His sons and daughters is never to lead us on as if He’s a con-man. God’s approach to us is never adversarial but always beneficial even when things seem hopeless to us. Being no respecter of persons, our Father completes the plan He has for us while at the same time giving us the desires of our heart. Abraham wanted a son to leave an inheritance to BUT GOD wanted nations to give a greater inheritance to. He gave Abraham his son, and the Father got nations as a result. Being in the right position with God will ALWAYS lead to something greater than ourselves. Yield to Him!
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