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It has been a glorious week in Jesus and the pattern of going from glory to glory continues! The children enjoyed themselves at AOH Bootcamp as they learned of the Wind, the Fire, and the Water in relation to the Holy Ghost – “Not By Might, Nor By Power, But By My Spirit (Zech 4:6)!”
From there we held Camp Meeting at Del Valle Campgrounds in Livermore – what a glorious time we had! With Anointed Praise and Worship, Word, Testimonies, and Fellowship, the Presence of God was evident at each gathering. Every year, it’s a time of refreshing, a time of renewal, a time of rekindling the fire within, a rebirthing of a stronger and intense hunger and thirst for the Word and Spirit to consume His people. The annual water baptism was awesome to witness as those who were baptized publicly displayed their identity with Christ in obedience to the command of Jesus—there was a sound of high praise as those who emerged out of the water came forth with restored joy and excitement.
Even, a competitive volleyball game took place where the challenges, the laughter, and determination to WIN was present with each player on each TEAM – they played with the mindset to WIN. The game was interrupted because dinner was served, however, immediately following, the TEAMS were eager to continue the game for the win. We as a Body should have the same eagerness, that no matter what interruptions or distractions you may encounter – GET BACK IN FOR THE WIN! Each member of the Body should possess the same tenacity and zeal for their TEAM (Body of Christ) because we have won and have the victory through Jesus! The unity of the Spirit knitted the hearts of those present where He facilitated a Camp Meeting to remember.
Many thanks to all the laborers, contributors, and attendees for making this one of the best Camp Meetings we’ve had since venturing out in this annual Advance under the canopy of Heaven and anointing of the Holy Spirit.
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