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The aftermath from the Fire Conference (FC) 2012 is beyond my comprehension. We are experiencing the first wave of God’s Spirit that’s ushering His people into a cleansing, purging, purifying, and passionate state of revival that will shake the Church of the Living God, shake our Cities, shake our Nation, and shake the world. The clarion has sounded – get ready, get ready, get ready! There’s a call to holiness, a call to righteousness, a call of justice, a call of mercy and truth. God’s desire has always been for the Church to walk in love, unity, and power as He designed it – the Holy Ghost is at-large and He is at-large in the earth. As this wave of God’s Spirit continues to move He’s awakening the Church to host His Presence and releasing His Power to fulfill the Great Commission.
On Thursday, July 19, 2012, Sis. Shaunese Finn said:
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