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“Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” Jn 12:24
Death could not stop Him. The grave could not hold Him. The devil could not defeat Him. You can only imagine the rumors, chaos, confusion, and disorder going on in Jerusalem following the Resurrection of Jesus. News of the crucifixion was only two days old and then it is trumped by the news of the Resurrection!!! Headlines: “The crucified King of the Jews is risen from the dead!!!”
For forty days Jesus made different appearances. At one place He was seen by more than 500 Brethren at once (see I Cor 15:6). What appeared to be the ultimate defeat of a controversial miracle working carpenter’s son became the ultimate victory over death, hell, and the grave for you and me. The powers of this present darkness were overthrown in one fell swoop.
We are now dealing with a defeated adversary – the devil. Jesus triumphed over the devil at the Cross. He satisfied the righteous requirement of the law by fulfilling it. He pleased the Father by obeying Him in everything. He took our shame and punishment to free us. By His stripes we are healed and made whole. We need only to believe in Him, receive Him, and live for Him.
Isaiah said, “who shall declare His generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living...” (see Isa 53:8). The Hebrew word for generation is “dore” which means revolution of time, that is, an age or generation; also a dwelling, and comes from the root “dure” which means to gyrate (or move in a circle, that is, to remain). He was cut off, then He was Resurrected.
A dead man produces no fruit. But a Resurrected Man produces much fruit. Today we declare that we are His Generation – The Jesus Generation. We are a revolutionary movement of disciples empowered not by military might, nor by human power, but by God’s Spirit (see Zech 4:6). We are a spiritual entity known as the Church – the Ecclesia of God!!! The gates of hell, the powers of the kingdom of darkness, cannot prevail against us because our Jesus says so (see Mt 16:18)!!! We tread the darkness to rescue those who are blind, lame, halt, maimed, and bound by wickedness.
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