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“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection…” Phil 3:10
The Spirit of God continues to validate that He is in our midst. Wednesday night’s Word Alive was another example as the waterfall of God’s anointing power fell on some of those who were in attendance. As we continue to humble ourselves before God and allow Him to saturate us by His Spirit we will see greater manifestations than what took place on Wednesday. God is touching lives in our midst and beyond our walls. He publicly answers the secret desires of your heart, Wednesday night, a young lady petitioned the Father to receive the same outpouring that was spoken over one of the other ladies, immediately, her name was spoken to get ready to receive, she saw the glory, and felt Hands on her hands; another woman’s quest to be baptized in the Holy Ghost with biblical evidence of speaking in tongues manifested, these are signs, the proof that God is IN OUR MIDST!
Does anyone remember last Sunday, how that God moved in our midst during service with healings and ministry to the three young men, then after service continued to minister to those who remained? We must never take this lightly or for granted. In response we should be even more diligent in prayers and intercessions so that the powers of darkness may continually be bound as the Spirit of the Lord is released to undo what the devil has done.
Your attendance is vital, your support is vital, your willingness to engage is vital to the overall effect of what God is doing in our midst. There’s power in numbers, there’s power in unity, there’s power in Jesus! That we might know Him, in the POWER of His RESURRECTION!!!
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