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Arise, and go down to the potter’s house…” Jer 18:2
That was the instruction to Jeremiah from the Lord. The Father, by His Spirit, can talk to us through prophets, dreams, visions, or actual circumstances. God wanted to show Jeremiah what He is capable of doing if His people were to turn back to Him, and then charged Jeremiah to preach that message to them. The nation was on the verge of judgment for their sins but God, who is RICH in Mercy (see Lam 3:22; Eph 2:4), saw fit to do them a make-over as a potter does with clay.
In Ephesians chapter 2:10 (Amp) we see that we are recreated in Christ Jesus. We are now that workmanship made by the Father. We were made to do a work for God that does not end until we are caught up in the Rapture to be with Him or He calls us home individually. The work we are called to do was prepared beforehand and is already laid out for us.
What is the work? Jesus said in John 4:34 Amp, “My food (nourishment) is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish His work.” That means pleasing the Father is what satisfied Jesus. Our assignment is the same as King David instructed his son, Solomon, prior to his undertaking the assignment of building the temple in I Chron 28:9: “know thou the God of thy father, and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind.”
The natural man/mind may still say, but what does that mean or what do I do? The answer lies in this, whatever you do in word or deed, do all to the glory of God. That’s what you are made to do. Whether it’s church assembly, prayer, bible study, being a father, son, husband, brother mother, daughter, wife, sister, employee, employer, child of God, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, etc., do that and be that to the glory of God.
We are not here to promote ourselves, nor are we here to delight within ourselves; we are here to bring glory to the One who has called us to Himself and has given us eternal life. That’s nourishment for us and pleasure for the Father. God has given us a new life created after Him and for Him. We are truly new creations in Christ. Just as the potter recreated that marred vessel into another vessel, “as seemed good to the potter to make it”, so it is with you and I. Let’s be that vessel that honors its Maker.
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