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“A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.” Pro 25:28 NLT
Discipline is a key factor in life and especially as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Without it everything gets out of hand. The purpose of discipline is to bring about self-control which protects you and others around you. It prevents you from doing harm to yourself and others. From the verse above, a person without self-control is likened to a city with broken-down walls. King James says, “a city that is broken down and without walls”.
Essentially what you have is a City which imploded from within and had no protection or safeguards against the implosion. If there was a wall, it failed miserably to protect the City. When it comes to the individual the wall of self-control must be greater than implosion from within or attacks from without. It is not a physical wall but a spiritual fortress. It’s not isolation from without but sanctification within and separation from sin.
We build a wall not by hiding within the walls of a building or home. We build a wall by the intake of the Word of God into our spirit and soul (mind, will, & emotions) and allowing it to establish present truth as a shield, barrier, and fortress that is impenetrable by any opposing force or opinion.
Your wall of defense is the Presence of God and the Power and Authority of His Word. Truth on the inside will give you victory on the outside. God desires truth in the inward parts (Ps 51:6). The Spirit of Truth abides in you. Walls are built to keep evil out and protect godliness within.
You must keep, guard and protect your heart! Proverbs chapter four verse 23 says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life (NLT).” Paul said don’t allow anyone to spoil you or your faith through philosophy or vain deceit. People are quick to pounce on you to destroy what you have been given by the grace of God. God said concerning Jerusalem, “I will be a wall of fire around you (Zech 2:5)”. He was a hedge of protection around Job (Job 1:10).
We build fences around our yards and homes, live in gated communities, have locks on our doors and windows, alarms and bodyguards. They represent defense, protection, and security.
We need to have borders for our lives motivated by our convictions based on faith, built on trust, that is established by love. Build The Wall!
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