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Jesus gave us power and authority over the devil and his demons. He gave us power to cast out devils, not to accommodate them. The power and authority He gave us is to execute or enforce the will of God in the earth in the face of opposition from demonic principalities and powers. Jesus has called us to the battle He has already won.
When Paul says in Ephesians 4 to give no place or opportunity to the devil, that means shut the door on your adversary. Give him no access into your personal life so that you can advance the Kingdom of God in the earth. We have to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. We overcome the world by our faith, we overcome the flesh by crucifixion/self-denial, and we overcome the devil by delegated power and authority and in the Power of the Blood. Jesus spoke with authority and He cast out devils with authority -- His modus operandi was “not My will, but Thy will be done.”
If there’s an open door/weakness in your life; repent, ask for forgiveness and fill it with God’s Word, Prayer and Fasting. Don’t give satan any space because it will limit the power of God working in you and through you. The devil recognizes his own and he can smell his own, because there is a putrid stench when demons are present, however, in order for the doors to be shut on the devil you have to make sure that there is none of the devil’s wares resident inside of you. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost – it’s not a haven for occupants. For many in the Body of Christ, their behavior is still patterned after the ways of this world. The problem with that is, the ways, patterns, and course of this world is still under the influence and sway of the devil.
We can’t break free from the devil’s influence until we break free from worldly thinking, believing, and behaving. Jesus is our great emancipator. For many, they receive Jesus as Savior but deny Him access as Lord – BIG MISTAKE!!! The devil gains access through rebellion, transgressions, and ignorance. When we truly crown Jesus as Savior and Lord over our lives, we come under His guidance and protection.
We present our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice (see Rom. 12:3). Sacrifice speaks of death – but it’s a living sacrifice. We are crucified with Christ, but we live. It’s no longer us who live but now Christ is alive in us and we live by His faith. Our bodies now HOST the very Presence of God in Jesus. We officially receive the Spirit of God to take up residence in us for the glory of God and to steward His Kingdom in the earth. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of TRUTH! We are living in a day when truth is being discarded and deception is being exalted. Jesus said, “Take heed that no man deceive you” (see Mt. 24:4; Lk. 21:8).
It’s time to Wake Up, Grow Up, and Lift Up the Name of Jesus!
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