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QLM received an offering on Aug 31, 2015 of $312 which was placed in the prayer/offering box. On Thursday Nov 12, after my meeting, the Spirit said "check the box." When I looked inside, I found the check along with some cash and coins. After that the Spirit said, "there are those in the congregation who have money that they are not aware of but it's there."
We didn't know that offering was there but the Holy Ghost did. It's been there since Aug 31, 2015. We just discovered it Nov 12, 2015. When I contacted the person who wrote the check, their response was, "it's already accounted for." In other words, cash it!
There's money that the Saints aren't aware of but it's theirs and it's there, "in close proximity." Scripture reference is II Kings 4:1-7 "What's in your house?" It's for the Kingdom!Apostle and Pastor Lusia wishes everyone a blessed and joyous 'Thanksgiving'. Thank you for all the laborers in the House for their faithfulness, love, and commitment in promoting the Kingdom!
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