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“In YOU I Have LIFE BEYOND Limits – Of This Life”“In YOU I Have LIFE BEYOND Limits – Of This Life"
April 7, 2019“In YOU I Have LIFE BEYOND Limits – Of This Life”
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (Jn. 10:10)
Yesterday I was informed by a cousin of mine that his daughter, 17 year old Payton, has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (lift her up in prayer please – miracles still happen today). It’s a rare type that only about 80 people in the world have today. The point of emphasis is not on the stage 4 cancer or the relationship as a cousin (we have prayed for others who have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer before). The focus or emphasis is on JESUS, who came to give us life, and that we may have it MORE ABUNDANTLY – Life Beyond Limits. It’s Life beyond the Scope of human limitations.For many of those who receive a negative report of cancer or some other deadly dreaded disease, it is like a death sentence and the clock starts ticking at the point of awareness. Not so in Jesus! According to the Scriptures, the Holy Writ, the last enemy that shall be DESTROYED is death (I Cor. 15:26; Rev. 20:14). Death is a defeated foe for the Believer!Whether it’s a brutal dictator, a dreaded deadly disease, a tragic untimely death by accident or murder, it does not matter – we have Life Beyond Limits in Jesus. He came that we might have LIFE, and that we might have it MORE ABUNDANTLY – No Limits; Beyond any Hurt, Harm, or Danger. Death can’t stop it, the devil can’t handle it, sickness can’t defeat it; it’s eternal for all who live in it and by it – according to the pattern God has laid out for us. It’s RICH and FULL of GLORY. The sufferings that we go through are not worthy to be compared to the GLORY (Rom. 8:18).What are your limits? In God’s eyes you are not defined by your limits but by His FREEDOM. In this life you have credit limits, physical limits, speed limits, glass ceiling limits, limits, limits, limits. Life is full of limitations. Jesus brings us to a place of NO LIMITS, and teaches us how to live in that realm. It’s the realm of possibilities or where the impossible is made possible, “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible (Mt. 19:26); Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mk. 9:23).”Don’t let your NEW LIFE IN CHRIST be limited to the setbacks and defeats, or other frustrations of this present life. Don’t live by that. Live by FAITH now, Live by the HOPE of GLORY Who is in you now. Live by the Word of Truth now. Remember, God is not a man that He should lie (Num. 23:19); He cannot lie (Tit.1:2); It’s impossible for Him to lie (Heb. 6:18). If God says something, it has to be. If it’s not there He creates it – it must come into existence. Receive what you need from Him today, NOW. What He says, He will do. What He speaks He will make it good – bring it to pass.
Step Into It!"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (Ps. 91:1)
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