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According to Ephesians chapter 2:1-2 it says, " . . . you were dead in trespasses and sins, in times past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now workethin the children of disobedience. Verse 5 says, He hath quickened you by grace are you saved and hath sit you together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. You were a walking corpse but after receiving Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior you are now a son according to the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 12 "for as many as received Him, Jesus gave him/her power to become the sons of God."
You are now an heir of God through Christ! (Rom. 8:17) You have been inducted into the Royal Family of God. It is in this position that you inherit all of the keys, access to promises, access to the power of God, access to His power -- it is readily available to you because you are NOW a SON, NOT a SLAVE, a walking corpse aimlessly wandering about. As a son of God, an heir of God through Christ you're able to walk in full assurance in faith that no matter what conflict(s) you encounter you have the weaponry, the arsenal to wage war against it.
As a son/daughter, now you have to prioritize your life because now you're able to tap into the spiritual Kingdom of God and pull-down, pull-in what you need while you're living in the earth. First order of priority is learning how to develop effective prayers and intercessions in the prayer chamber—every day! Build your spiritual-muscles in intercessions, spiritual-endurance, spiritual-aptitude, spiritual latitude, spiritual-attitude THEN ENGAGE IN THE HOST OF INTERCESSORS IN THE HOUSE OF PRAYER.
Disciplined in your prayer chambers you’ll recognize that no matter what challenges, frustrations, disappointments, discouragements, bad/sad news, rejections that comes your direction you’re able to handle it and respond with godly character (fruit of the Spirit-Gal. 5:22) - the Holy Spirit NOT your spirit. There’s always opportunities, vast opportunities, a plethora of opportunities to exhibit or express the fruit of the Spirit or our human spirit (we can become ugly, rude, mean, undisciplined, if this is you - you are promoting satan’s kingdom). Confidence as an intercessor is activated and released by your position in Christ and heir of God through Christ Jesus, you don’t need to go into battle or use weaponry to exhibit Godly character—it’s automatic in your position in Christ, you just have to develop godly character by dying to your old ways and to yourself. It’s a choice and depending on your choice, reveals who is in control either you’re in control, the Spirit of Christ is in control, or satan is in control (Jesus turned and looked at Peter and said, get thee behind me satan (Mt. 16:23)). As a son/daughter wearing your royal robe you pray to the Father, you communicate with the Heavenly Father. When the Lord Jesus taught the disciples to pray, Jesus said, "Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed by thy name . . . ." We approach the Father with respect and reverence in our prayers. As a soldier – you're fully armoured in battle array (Eph. 6:10-17). We don't communicate with the devil, we don't communicate with the powers of darkness, we don't communicate with the powers of evil -- we COMMAND IN JESUS NAME! We execute and walk in the commanding authority given to you and I by the Lord Jesus Christ – He has delegated the authority to the Church (to you and I).
In heaven you are secure in your position as a son/daughter, here on earth we are a son and a soldier in the Army of God.
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